Academic Curriculum
Curriculum Offerings:
The Southfield Esquires Mentoring Program Incorporated (SEMPI) curriculum prepares the mentee to engage, research, develop, practice, and acquire skills necessary to successfully manage a college preparatory or technical skill-based high school curriculum. The instructor led courses will assist the mentee to learn how to compete socially and academically to matriculate into a competitive trade school, college/university, or military branch of service after graduation from high school.
Jobs or careers in the 21st century demand employees have social as well as technical skills necessary to navigate the various levels of private, government, or corporate career structures. Therefore, the SEMPI curriculum consists of two academic tiers. Tier 1 examines the development of the individual and Tier 2 examines science, technical, engineering and mathematic topics.
Tier 1 Development of the Individual (Short List):
- Building Strong Relationships
- Career Planning
- Character Building
- Community Service
- Communications
- Conflict Resolution
- Emotional Well-Being
- Goal Setting
- Personal Hygiene
Tier 2 Science, Technical, Engineering, and Mathematics (Short List):
- Aerodynamics with three variable Algebraic Equations*
- Basic Electronics with Coding*
- Civil Engineering with three variable Algebraic Equations – Bridge Building*
- Green Screen Video Production
- Basic Robotics and Programming*
- Scientific Laboratory Reporting
*Denoted: Courses that are 2 to 6 semesters in length.